The Youngster of FC Barcelona, Xavi Simons, has traveled with his father Regillio Simons and his older brother Faustino to Bermuda to learn about the Academy of WOSPAC in Bermuda.

After winning the League with FC Barcelona with 5 games to play with a difference of 23 points over the second place, the challenging summer tournaments arrived. First stop was the “Promises League” held in Villareal and where the Simons team lost a hotly contested final against Sevilla FC by one goal on the scoreboard. Next destination, a week later, Barranquilla, Colombia to play the II International Tournament Promises League, after finishing as runner-up the state league. 

The team captained by Simons, made a great tournament and reached the final again. A final, with Spanish color, as FCB turned to face Sevilla FC. Barça got the previous defeat off the back and beat Seville with a convincing 5-2. 

And after some days full of competition, the well deserved vacations arrived, but without leaving aside football. WOSPAC invited the Simons family to spend a few days in Bermuda to learn about the Bermudian football and thus show the local players the results of hard work and sacrifice.

Kenny Thompson, director of WOSPAC Bermuda has pioneered the journey of the Simons and has been very pleased with this experience: “Examples like Xavi Simons, makes all players of any category of Bermuda to have more desire to keep playing and learning. They have been playing together with a future star of world football who has shown talent and spectacular class with only 12 years. It has certainly been a very rewarding experience for everyone.” 

During these 10 days, Xavi has participated in the Camp held at the premises of WOSPAC Bermuda and has trained young local players, leaving everybody impressed because of his quality and above all, because of his love to football. The young Dutch star, has also been enjoying the amazing beaches of Bermuda and some of the most popular festivals of the islands. “Having Xavi with us these days has been amazing, he has shown his human side at all times, always with a smile on his face, signing autographs and taking pictures with his fans. It’s a real star and from Bermuda we wish him well. Good luck friend and thank you very much for your visit.”